ok so here is what my current house in minecraft looks like

at first i had to build a wooden house, but i slowly upgraded it till it is this big... the right filled with water is the irrigation for my outdoor farm. my door is one block below the sand surface so i can run away from spiders faster.
The View from the highest point.

This is the view from my top most deck of the tower. it serves no purpose tho LOL
My Defense System(just small pits really)

This is my primary defense from zombies, skeletons and creepers... and in the morning i just go and kill them...
Outdoor farm....

This is my outdoor farm, there are glass parts because i do have a indoor farm below and the plants need light to grow. Plants are elevated because i dun wanna kill them by stepping on them
Indoor farm

My first farm, underground and away from the angry monsters, a 2nd farm was expanded above this farm, the ladder leads to that outdoor farm. behind the soil blocks is a water channel... so my plants get water... anything above the plants are either air, glass, or torch to provide light. Once a chicken came in and... well my plants all died...
Mine tunnel

left side leads to my mining spot... right side leads to my house/dwelling/castle
Ya so this is what i've been doing for the past few weeks...
Lol... kk bye hahas