i shall post the homework here for those who haven't done anything and wants to find out what is needed to be done.
FIRST ASSIGNMENT: read four books. 2 fiction and 2 non-fiction. write a review about any one of them on moodle.the rest of the books will be discussed when school reopens
SECOND ASSIGNMENT:do a research on WATER. and the topic will be debated when school reopens. AND, we'll need to write an argumentative essay on it when school reopens, in class.

Scan credited to chieulin
Social studies
There is a piece of Worksheet full of Source based questions. ask me on msn to send you the scans....
Produce 3 ideas for the topic of plastic bag holder.
How it works
What are the parts
What are the pros and cons and possible difficulty in making the design
Does the Design meet all the specifications
Then, Produce amini development for Plastic bag holder covering all the areas required for development
Shapes,ergonomics, Anthropometrics technology, colour, production method avaliable, material & critical dimensions
Did you do the necessary research to support you development
That is all i think
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