Saturday, December 29, 2007
$1 also can $1 also money...!!!
lolz... if you want donate angpao money also can... hee hee
thinking about the past and sono mirai
i dun really remember much... just remembered that i would hang around with zhi zong and kenny... den recess would hang around with the 6 boys from jurong primary school... i would bring a burger made by my mom during recess and eat it... haiz... i guess i have mentioned him again... the good and sad times... haiz... i wonder how is he now...
3days left until school reopens... so i am unsure of what the future may hold for me... i hope i make more male friends... XD i am happy cause there won't be home econ to deal with... haha and i have one whole year of DnT... happy haha... are we going to do 1 bigger project or a few small projects??? i cannot wait haha... lol
i wanna meet new friends i wanna keep old friends i wanna remember lost friends...
-PC controlled Telescope
-Asian kung-fu Generation album!
-foldable bicycle
-claymore manga
-human powered go-kart... XD
Answer the following questions
The person who tagged you is?
Yong Zheng-chan X:
Your relationship with him is?
Your impression of him?
relaxed and funny person
The most memorable thing he has done for you?
Dun recall any...
If he becomes your lover, you will...?
simanai... i am not gay...
If he becomes your lover, things he have to improve?
If he becomes your enemy, you will...?
start a war
If he becomes your enemy the reason is?
i dunno
Your overall impression of him?
Serious dude
How do you think people around you will think about?
The character you love yourself are?
Smart lol... XD
On the contrary, the character you hate yourself?
The most ideal person you want to be is?
Gotoh Masafumi ... i wish i have his voice
For people who care & like you, say something to them?
yes i love you guys too!!!
Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to knw how they feel
1. Shugee
2. Tzeying
3. MeiXuan
4. Hui Shi
5. Eeping
6. Qwerty
7. Jasmine
8. matilda
9. Zhiyi
10. Xueling
Who is No. 6 having relationship with?
Is No. 9 a male or female?
If No. 7 & No10 are together, will it be a good thing?
lol whole list all girls... is that a good thing?
What about No. 5 & No. 8?
What is No. 2 studying about?
pure science
When was the last time you chatted with No. 3 ?
arnd 12 hours ago
What kind of music does No. 8 likes?
Will you woo No. 3?
may consider lol... but after much consideration... better not... she my sister better... haha
What about No. 7 ?
LOLZ no!!
Is No. 4 single?
Should be... you'll never know...
What is the surname of No. 5 ?
What is the hobby of No. 4 ?
dunno? listening to korean songs?
Do No. 5 & No. 9 get along well?
Erm do they know each other?
Where is No. 2 studying at?
Hyss of coz
Talk something casually abt No. 1 ?
Real life Dino... XD
Have you tried developing feelings for No. 8 ?
No lah...
Where does No. 9 live at?
i dunno... not very sure
What colour does No. 4 like?
i dunno
Are No. 5 & No. 1 best friends?
they are good friends but not exactly best friends
Does No. 6 like No. 2 ?
As a friend i think...
How did you get to know No. 2?
Does No. 1 have any pets?
bunch of ham hams...
Is No. 7 the sexiest person in the world?
o.o i dun think i have seen her body lol... XD
Thursday, December 27, 2007
back to blog since many ages ago
anyway... spent arnd 5 days to complete my homework... which is quite a feat for me... since i haven touch homework since primary5... anyway...
if you happen to visit my blog please help mi make a blogskin... paying $5 for it.... more if i like it...
i want... a black back ground... template something like mei xuan's blog... picture sumthing cool, dark and have a menacing feel to it...
ok that is all
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
the first thing i noticed is that... china is dam polluted, the air. can faint man. then the street lights are more packed together. you can see a whole string of them totally straight -_-... i dun feel like goin out either, because i have to climb 5 stories to reach my grand father's apartment...chinese roads are dangerous... they dun give a shit about zibra crossings and the drivers are 'horny', they like to horn very much... when you bath, you steam,literatly. haiz i wish that i can have a chance to bring a classmate along, to share my journeys but now all i got is my laptop accompaying a few clonks(game)
saw my mom bargain today... man she is scary a bouquet of flowers cost $10 and she made the auntie sell them at $2 each... o.o power sia... theres one guy who even more power, my grandpa's hse there at nite got alot of little vendors on the streets, den this guy go and put his stall in the middle of the road... he sells meat sticks, sumthing like satay but if you eat one of them and you will have to visit the toilet a few times... lol
well... this week is going to be sian... i wish i could go to my wai gong's house sooner. if not i would die of boredom...
typed on:24/11/07 saturday 23:41
typing in a trance state now... just woke up from a nap, woke up because there is a idiot busker singing downstairs with his horrible voice. just had dinner everyday there are so many dishes arnd haiz... the more i see them the more i dun feel like eating. went kite flying arnd 9a.m. haha it flew up but we did not have enought line to let it continue flying. bought my sister a gun which shoots bubbles. sry my posts are so fragmented lately.
very tired de lo... 11pm sleep 7 sumthing wake up lo... den the sun 4 am come up... -_- cannot even sleep nicely...bright light in the face... wake up is hellish have to wear the clothes back again as you would not want to wear 3 layers of clothing while sleeping under 2 layers of cloth, thick cloth. have to walk a distance to get there... wah cold... haiz... maybe i'll stop here today... too tired le i want to sleep le... ad by the way the sky darkens at 5p.m.
days are going by slowly... too slowly...typed on:25/11/07 sunday 18:17
just now got rare chance to connect to the net. i got onto msn and i had 22 e-mails. but i cannot go check them cause the net too slow how leh? chat with YZ lor. den chat halfway the stupid owner of the wireless router shut it down... haiz
so YZ when you see this post it is not that i dun want to reply you or block you arh... is i no choice...
ok today fly kite again... like toot liddat... at the park saw secondary students doing PE. they dam funny their PE is frog jump, running, and more frog jump...-_-
even thought they are sec school students... they all look like primary school students to me... well i guess here got seasons den they grow slower bahx haha... the aunties over here all ask me why am i not in school and ask me which university i studying lol...(do i look that old to you? and i dun think i can even reach uni) after flying kite my sister blackmail me to bring her to macdonald so... 12 dollars spent... well RMB12 is just SGD$2.40... 10 nuggets for 2.40... think about it... heaven eh...
blah blah blah nothing to say le... i am begining to miss my classmates... its been 4 days sinced i arrived...
haiz... here haven holidays lah... no chio bu walking arnd... lol...
2days until i go to my maternal grandfather's hse(where the internet connection is)typed on:26/11/07 monday 22:50
Monday, November 19, 2007
1. someone give me no.5
2. someone give me no.1
3. someone give me no.2
4. someone give me no.3
5. someone give me no.4
Answer the following questions:
1. The person who tagged you was:
2. Your relationship with him/her is?:
Good friends online and offline. either my sis or my mom lol
3. Your 10 impression of him/her is?:
Polite, smart, emo, unfriendly, sweet, helpful, dilligent, i-dun-care look, sporty and clueless
4. Most memorable thing he/she has done for me?:
5. Most memorable thing she has said to you?:
I won't let your secret out (:
6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will?:
I will become her lover if you don't ask this question. O.o
7. If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on?:
nope nothing at all.
8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will?:
No no, I won't have any enemies, same goes to Jorene.
9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be?:
Yow, we won't -_-...
10. The thing you desire to do most for him/her would be?:
Cheer her up when she's emo-ing or theres sth upsetting her
11. Overall impression of him/her?:
12. How do you think people aound you feel about you?:
Funny or lame.
13. A character trait you love about yourself?:
err....Don't really have any traits that im proud of. lol
14. A character trait you hate about yourself?:
Okay..this I know. lol. LAZY~~~~
15. Person you want to be?:
I wanna be Qwerty!
16. Say something to the people who care for you!:
I care for you too. XD
17. Pass this quiz to 10 people to know what they feel about you.
1. HuiShi
2. Mei Xuan
3. Tze Ying
4. Parveen
5. Najmah
6. Cyrus
7. Ginny
8. Yong Zheng
9. Matilda
10. Hui Ming
Who is #6 having a relationship with?:
Ask him yourself. You think I know everything? lol....
If #7 and #10 are together, will it be good?:
Uh huh? What do you think?!
How about #8 and #5?:
Like I said, you think I know everything?
What is #2 studying about?:
What I'm studying.
When was the last time you talk to #3?:
Today :D
What kind of music does #8 like?:
hmm. Japanese songs?
Does #1 have any siblings?:
Yup, a younger brother.
Will you woo #3?:
Wow, maybe.
How about #7?:
Wow, I wouldn't resist. LOL
Is #4 single?:
Parveen! I promised I wont say a thing .
What is #5 surname?:
Najmah? oh izzit...bte abdul razak?? >.<
#4 hobby?:
Soccer, Tae Kwon Do, any outdoor sports :DDo
#5 and #9 get along well?:
Where is #2 studying at?:
singapore. my good friend.
Do you have anymore to say?
Say something casual about #1?:
She's a pro. :D
Have you develop your feelings with #8?:
Dun ask me.
Where does #9 live?:
The milky way, universe, solar system, earth, asia, singapore....................
Does #7 like #2?:
Does #1 have any pets?:
I supposed not...
Is #7 the sexiest person in the world?:
Are you asking the obvious? Of course she is.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
these are taken in the paths... you see the gate there it is so old that it has rusted and collapsed...
so cycled from there to the still used jurong road... to bukit batok road den back to hua yi... the place spooky lol but fun...
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Thursday, November 08, 2007
here goes.
ginny - well... she is a girl from my primary school... i dun rly know her but she is quite good a maths lah... she always say she is good at remembering things... well i think is is good at everything.
jingwen - wahaha at first she reminds me of sumone in primary school... den later i started to talk to her and then what i feel is that she is a girl which is quite ok...
huishi - xiaomei arh this one... always get copied by wei kong saying eh ni gou le hor(eh you enough le ok) she also same as ginny arh... pro in everything...
danielle - dun know her well but she is a which i feel is a quiet girl(ok maybe not so quite) just a average girl lah...
meixuan - band freak... walk along beside her and she will suddenly hum the melody of thepiece they play recently...
jia ying- well... tall girl... and erm... err... i dunno... kinda funny when we pushed her towards kokwai XD
hui ming - everyday she the person i talk to in the morning... she comes so early... sometimes i come abit late den nag nag nag
najmah - dis one i also dunno much... just that she seems obedient and has a fair complextion
shu gee- rowdy girl... like to violate kokwai likes to talk about **** i will leave you to think what the four stars are
xinyi - felt bad for her actually... that is why i tried to be friendly to her if she feels i had done her any harm den i apologise
parveen - a girl with a craze with soccer and sports... no more comments
qwerts - haiz... i shall not say anything... cause most of my secrets are wif her... and i dun want to offend her... o.o... but she is a very intelligent girl... believes in the astrological signs
christina - the xiao za bor... everytime attack me... end up laughing at each other... -_-... when i dyed my hair she go play wif it... i am not a toy!
matilda - a person with good leadership qualities. can be bossy sumtimes
huey yun - blur girl... hitsugaya can make her go siao... serious anime fan(just like me)
tzeying - maple freak... always look down on herself... you are not so bad de ok...
eeping - a ramdom girl ... doing ramdom rhings wif tzeying and shugee... for instance taking rulers to cut me... -_-
justin - a.k.a just steam...XD he is a nuiscene in class.. but i support you!
yong da - actually i can be good friends with him de... but he choose to play wif my father name... haiz...
kokwai - an innovator who doesn't seem to be very buzy unlike yongzheng XD... always spam ppl... forcing ppl to block him XD
zhen khang - joker arh dis one... act girl sumtime... but when he serious arh wah... dam serious
desmond - he also joker... but when serious also very serious... he do work not bad de... just that he can be sumtimes hard to reach...
adlar - ceo... siao guy... gone into anime liao lah, cannot come out le lah... haha just thinking this ceo dun have ceo behaviour...
kenny - during sec one he very kind to me de... budden become like that... haiz...
yang jun - dotz i am taller than you ok dun everytime say 'dun think you short you can be better than me hor' very kiam pa you know... he good guy lah when it comes to projects... he pro...
hwa jun - big bro lai de... maybe cause he older den he more mature bahx... he is the onli one who thinks yong da playing wif my father's name is not funny...
nurshafiq - dun pick on xinyi le lah... she very poor thing le... seriously...
shafiq - a more quiet shafiq... he sumtime very werid like nurshafiq also...
marcus - a guy who is very smart and have a logical sense a more logical guy in class
victor - last time he say i am very mean to him... actually no i very good to him le... i just dun like his sissyness... you dun like boys so cannot be called gay...
jingshen - haha quiet sleeping giant... always keeps money in his pencil box...
weikong - hardworking guy... isn't exactly clever but hardworking... key to everything is to be hardworking... unlike me... XD... stop nagging can mah... dun kaypo see other ppl marks leh
yong zheng - a very good and average guy in innovation... actually i wanna join inno de but the YFC go and pull me in... dam gay comp 2gb ram
zavier - guai lan kia... everytime say things that make ppl feel like smacking him
lucas - he actually quite clever dun say him retard le he isn't not one... XD (read closely)
myothut - he sumtimes very funny... sumtime very horny... sumtime very lame sumtime very good lah... he is actually those look like bad guy but actually is quite nice...
i guess this year i didnot get into pure science stream is because i never work hard...
next year watashi ga motto motto gambate shi masu!
i have to tell you a laptop is a mysterious thing... it works now but it did not work just now... this happened on msn, flashbox and crunchyroll and you tube... haiz...
anyway today, i went to eeping's neighbourhood in attempt to find her missing dog... how should i say, i was feeling like a nut... cycling and shouting May! may! mAy! (0.0) well cycled in that area for 2 hours... well i guess it is deepavali and our indian population was out... they filled the streets... o.o OK now... if i were a dog where would i go? lol
then after the 2 hours of unfruitful cycling... i went to explore the road parrell to ave 2 the road sealed to the main road... wow adventure... who want acompany me go? very fun de... cause no one at all lol... XD just kidding... but i found a snake in there... just a grass snake... i went eastwards all the way to kranji-jurong defence site memorial there. then dun dare advance le... so turned around... den after that went home...
watch shounen onmyouji for 4 hours... haiz... kekkaishi subbing,maplestory subbing,shounen onmyoji also subbing... all so slow
Monday, October 29, 2007
My mother
i want to get my consent forms signed by tommrrow but my mom did not have the mood as my sister failed 2 out of her 3 exams. i pleded her but to no avail so a raised my voice of fustration(it was my bad) and she got angry so she picked up a cane and started whiping me. being ever so protective of myself i kicked her hand and the cane fell off, she came again and the ever so blind me kicked again and landed on her chest (my fault again, i really didn't mean to). she got even more angrier and started to hit harded... i had no control of myself as my instincts controlled me... bad instincts... i took the cane a broke it into 4( oh that is got to hurt)... end of first conflict
she called my dad and said herside of the story (i am not trying to say that my mom is a evil person, most people try to put themselves in the right most of the time right)and then i talked to my father about it and stuff.
ok so now i walked into my room and closed the door(gently). soon my door is broken down as my ever so strong mom started to knock it down(T.T) my door! she knocked it down because she thought that i locked it so the door is now in 3 pieces one piece on the floor and the other two connected on the 2 hinges(o.o!!!)
so she came in and threw all my clothes at me... althought they are cloth they really do hurt. she wanted to chase me out and came in with a bamboo pole. so i got whacked again. haiz when will the fun ever end... so get whacked and then she left... my door cannot be closed the knob sort of flew out(o.o!!!) what should i do? i really have no choice do i?
i wrote this because i have no place to vent my emotions... oh well no comments...
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
asian kung-fu generation just rocks...
here are a few recommandations for the playist...
1. mugen glider
3.powder snow/konayuki
6. Re:Re:
7. Uso to wonderland
8.jihei tansaku
ok to cast a kekkai... first...
'houin'= seal
'jouso'=corner stone
'ketsu'= release
then you either destroy or release the captured ayakashi='demon'
'kai' =open
then if you destroy
'tenketsu'= heaven release
to suck in the bits and pieces...
cast it requires powers from another world... so dun think about it...
go do the 'retsu zai zen' thingy den XD
bye... oh ya i removed the test cause abit stupid
Thursday, October 11, 2007
new test to you right
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
exams are over WOOO!!!!! hahaz... so long never blog... stay home act toot also dunno doing wad... lolz
haiz... exam over le means our class seperating soon... haiz... sad sad
anyway tml going kayaking... preparing to get wet... haha... yesterday changed the song now is a playlist of all(really all except the haven released album) of asian kung-fu generation... hahaz...
aniwae... i everytime blogging dun type much de cause i dun really like to talk about my life lah... to me blogging is to open a door to more friends... but horx... no one come except qwerty and some ramdom people... so wad to do... actually nothing can be done... go to any forum paste my URL? that would be lame.. XD
anyone can recommand me single player games that can be downloaded free(i mean totally free) from the net? or send me... coz dem sian at home lol...
ok that is all bye!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
today we talking about time stopping! lolz... why i always think about these things?
ok if we(human race) can stop time... we would not be able to move unless we are in a vacume... because... there is no time for the air molecules to give way to our body... so we will not be able to move because it would be like getting trapped in a cement mould which is in the shape of you... at most we can onli slow down time... but not stop complete...
ok what happened to me recently?
recently exam started le... but horx the very 'hardworking' me is working hard to revise english...
recently dunno what i doing also... nothing to do on the net sia... oh what ever... if only i can do whole year DnT... den i can make my ferris wheel... lolz... very sleepy lately... everytime lie on my bed a night... my bed feels so comfortable... so so so so so comfortable... but the stupid handphone always wake me up at 6am and i have to part with it... and face the so uncomfortable world...
i dunno why i like to listen to the melody of oblivion back ground music... many are quite soothing...
life for me recently very boring...everyday like robot do the same thing... haiz...
ok bye le... nothing to much to say le...
Sunday, September 09, 2007
dunno why i feel so lost arh... holiday blues again... XD
well erm considering the fact that you have the whole holiday stuck at home doing nothing... holiday blues are a common illness within the student population XD
hahaz... younha's song is always so lively... XD
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Thursday, September 06, 2007
no one to sms to... felt so sian...
felt sickly... more sian...
no new japanese song to listen to... dam sian...
recently whoever i sent sms arh... either no reply or onli one msg den no reply le... so dam sian... now i know i cannot live life without smsing... lolz
coz of the yesterday incident... felt so sickly today... my brain is pounding at the homopolar motor thingy... the magnets were real fun though...haha so strong lei... spend 10 mins trying to seperate them lol...
no nice song to listen to le lah... What the hell sei... kao lei... i am tired to listen to the same old songs everyday... it makes my head big lei...
oh my look at the time... got to go!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
my dad say i ate an apple after eating curry... XD i thought they say a apple a day keeps the doctor away lol... and it made me so giddy that i could barely stand...
haiz... well dun eat apple and curry together arh... bye
Monday, September 03, 2007
featuring Younha

Real Name: Go Youn Ha (고윤하)
Birthdate: 1988.04.29
Birthplace: Seoul, Korea
Blood Type: O
Family: father, mother, younger sister, grandmother
Languages: Korean, Japanese, English
Talents: piano, blind touch on the PC, can move her ears
Hobbies: piano, PC
Respected Person: her father
Favorite Artists: Alicia Keys, Sung Shi Kyung, Hirahara Ayaka, cune, Tokyo Jihen
Respected Artists: Ray Charles, Lee Seung Chul, Shin Seung Hoon
Childhood Dream: become a doctor
CDs First Purchased: H.O.T's Candy, Beethoven's "Moonlight"
First Japanese Artist She Liked: X-Japan
Favorite Scent: Tea Tree
Favorite School Subject: English, history
Favorite Sport: skiing
Favorite Books: Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, Le petit prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Favorite Movies: Love Actually, Phantom of the Opera, 내 머리속의 지우개 (A Moment to Remember), The Island
Favorite Foods: sushi, takkalbi (닭갈비, Korean barbecue chicken), dukbokgi (떡볶이, rice cakes with spicy sauce) , rabokki (라볶이, rice cakes and noodles in spicy sauce), sukiyaki
Favorite Places: on set, a club with live music, Apgu-jong (Korea), Denver (USA), in front of the PC
Motto: "Doing my best today with no expectations for tomorrow" (明日を期待しないで今日をがんばること)
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
yui intro

ok for those who dunno who is yui arh...
YUI is a Japanese pop artist, born March 26, 1987. She was born and raised in Fukuoka, Japan. She grew up in a fatherless house and, consequently, holds no memory of her father. She sings and plays acoustic guitar, and writes her own songs. She is still relatively unknown outside of Japan, but her song "LIFE", from her single by the same name, was the 5th ending theme for Bleach, a popular Japanese anime series, which has brought her some international fame.
Her first full album, FROM ME TO YOU, was released on February 22, 2006 to great acclaim. Among its 13 tracks, 9 of them were brand new, and these have been well received from her fans. The album has already sold quite well, reaching as high as the weekly 9th most sold album in Japan, and the main track, TOKYO, has reached the number 4 spot on the MTV Japan song charts. She released her second album entitled CAN'T BUY MY LOVE on April 4th.
Stage Name: YUI
Real name: Yoshioka Yui (吉岡唯)
Birthday: March 26 , 1987
Birth place: Fukuoka, Japan
Height: 155 cm / 5'1"
Blood type: AB
Favorite place: Shingu Sea in Fukuoka
Hobbies: Movies, reading, acoustic guitar, badminton
YUI began writing poems in ninth grade. At the age of 16, by recommendation of a friend, she began studying singing, songwriting, and guitar at a private music school in her native Fukuoka. Aspiring to become professional, she carried her guitar around and performed at local areas like the seashore of Shingu and the middle of Kaminofu's rice fields.
In March 2003, at an audition hosted by Sony Music Japan, all of the judges evaluated her with the highest score, which caused a fierce scramble among labels. At this audition, she sang three songs: "Why me" (which was later coupled with her debut single), "It's happy line", and "I know" - though the audition rules stated that a participant could only sing two songs. Sitting cross-legged on the floor, she strummed her guitar and sang. The judges and the others present at the audition claimed that "the performance created a tremendous aura from her heavenly voice, and captured the hearts of the whole audience". It's happy line was then released as an indie single in December 2004, with "I know" as the second track.
Upon leaving Fukuoka for Tokyo, YUI wrote the song "feel my soul". She was planning to release it on an indie label as a tribute to her hometown, when the song caught the ears of Fuji TV producer, Mr. Yamaguchi, who happened to see the demo video clip. He claimed YUI's voice haunted him so much that he went out of his way to visit the recording studio himself. He even made his channel's prime-time drama "Fukigen na Gene" an extraordinary tie-in with YUI's debut track.
Although she is not the most comfortable when it comes to talking to people, YUI enjoys communicating with her audience at street performances in the Tenjin district of Fukuoka.
YUI has been honing her acting and singing skills in a movie released in June of 2006 called "Taiyou no Uta" (The Sun's Song), and has since been released in various Asian countries as well.
website so many info arh... from dis website
Friday, August 24, 2007
interesting articles found
CHICAGO (AFP) - For centuries, people have claimed to have had out-of-body experiences but now scientists have recreated the sensation without using drugs in the first experiments of their kind, a study said Thursday.
As many as one in 10 people say they have experienced the sensation of being awake and seeing their own body from another location, according to the study published in the journal Science.
"Out-of-body experiences have fascinated mankind for millennia. Their existence has raised fundamental questions about the relationship between human consciousness and the body," said Henrik Ehrsson, a neuroscientist formerly of University College London, and now at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden.
Now neuroscientists have manipulated a group of perfectly healthy volunteers into thinking they had moved outside their bodies by distorting their perception of reality.
Using virtual reality goggles to mix up the sensory signals reaching the brain, they induced the volunteers into projecting their awareness into a virtual body. Participants confirmed they had experienced sitting behind their physical body and looking at it.
The illusion was so strong that the volunteers reacted with a palpable sense of fear when their virtual selves were threatened with physical force.
The findings suggest there may be a scientific explanation for these types of out-of-body experiences, which are often thought of as delusional or paranormal, and the scientists believe their research could have important applications.
"The invention of this illusion is important because it reveals the basic mechanism that produces the feeling of being inside the physical body," said Ehrsson.
"This represents a significant advance because the experience of one's own body as the center of awareness is a fundamental aspect of self-consciousness."
And inducing people to have out-of-body experiences could have wide-ranging uses, he believes.
"This is essentially a means of projecting yourself, a form of teleportation. If we can project people into a virtual character, so they feel and respond as if they were really in a virtual version of themselves, just imagine the implications.
"The experience of video games could reach a whole new level, but it could go much beyond that. For example, a surgeon could perform remote surgery, by controlling their virtual self from a different location."
But scientists still don't know exactly what causes such experiences which have often been associated with traumatic experiences such as car accidents and linked to compromised brain function in epileptics, drug addicts and stroke victims.
"Brain dysfunctions that interfere with interpreting sensory signals may be responsible for clinical cases of out-of-body experiences," said Ehrsson.
"Though, whether all out-of-body experiences arise from the same causes is still an open question."
althought i dun really know much about neuro science... but i think dis could be a important finding in the history of mankind... wahaha teleport... hmmm
source from:
sweet tooth XD
changing song also lah... lucas say it reminds him of the porn in Melody Of Oblivion XD
making one 'yui' playlist soon will put on blog de
Monday, August 20, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
found some interesting stuff on imeem
FAKE FRiENDS: Never ask for food.
REAl FRiENDS: are the reason you have no food.
FAKE FRiENDS: Call your parents Mr/Mrs
REAl FRiENDS: Call your parents DAD/MOM
FAKE FRiENDS: bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.
REAl FRiENDS: Would sit next to you sayin "Damn ... we fucked up ... but that shit was fun!"
FAKE FRiENDS: never seen you cry.
REAl FRiENDS: cry with you
FAKE FRiENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back.
REAl FRiENDS: keep your shit so long they forget its yours.
FAKE FRiENDS: know a few things about you.
REAl FRiENDS: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you.
FAKE FRiENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing.
REAl FRiENDS: Will kick the whole crowds ass that left you.
FAKE FRiENDS: Would knock on your front door.
REAl FRiENDS: Walk right in and say "I'M HOME!"
FAKE FRiENDS: Are for awhile.
REAl FRiENDS: Are for life.
FAKE FRiENDS: Will take your drink away when they think you've had enough.
REAl FRiENDS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say "Bitch drink the rest of that you know we don't waste shit."
FAKE FRiENDS: will talk shit to the person who talks shit about you.
REAl FRiENDS: Will knock them the fuck out
FAKE FRiENDS: Would ignore this
REAl FRiENDS: Will send this to all there real friends
new song
changing to the songs in the series, Melody of Oblivion
with 9songs
The spirit of FRAMENCO
The War of 20th Century
Meros no Senshi ~Bocca~
Kaiki no Shunkan
Will (Violin Solo Version)
Meros no Senshi ~Toone~
Meros no Senshi ~Coco~
song will play randomly... all abit classical de songs... except the 3 meros no senshi got ppl talk infront de
lets talk about last week bahx... monday normal day nothing much happen... just that sumone came without specticles and look like an elf (you know who i am talking about)...
tuesday went for YFC, so crazy i tried to fly the sotong racer, wakao dam fast sia 5 rounds faint le... lol
wednesday actually go to yz house teach him science de... but he got appointment wif the angels in white... so go home... almost home le... hm tell mi go JEC to help wif the class-tee... do o do until 7:30 den go home
thursday lesson per normal... got one girl go and waste a perfectly good foolscap paper...(now the paper wif mr tan) XD...
friday sibei fun at the end of the day... mi and adlar threw an apple from the first floor to the 2nd floor and den the down again. but christina dunno how to throw one den the apple smashed into a million pieces XD... after that go YZ house, planning to teach him science de... again he buzy... den go back school stroll in the school den go home le reach home slept at 9:30 den woke up at 3am today saturday lmao
ok nothing much to write le... changing song soon
Monday, August 13, 2007
boring life
sorry my life is so boring
well i had nothing to blog... no more thoughts le... no big event happened...
onli that YZ got hospitalised and now he back le...
btw... his handphone screensaver got sumone... XD
notice that i have to go school le mah? 6 in the moring? monday?
so got to go to suffer monday blues... diao...
Saturday, August 04, 2007
I looking for the song High G.K. Low
By GReeeen
cannot find on ares... sian lol
recently buzy so dun call me do blog or sumthing wun be replying... got ipw... deadline monday
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
haiz... dun why everyday so sian... on tuesday is fun coz got cca...
at first join YFC for fun de... now really love it le haha...
yesterday went back home late coz i making plane alone... when i on the way home saw my P6 form teacher... haha she thin le... she smile at mi i smile at her den she dissapeared into the crowd le...
Today arh... not a nice day at all... the OM scolded us, along with 2e4 1e1 1e3 1n2, coz he said we chased out 3 teacher le... i was like lolz... we never chase her out lorx... they left themselves
the first teacher dunno how to open doors... the 2nd one i no comments... the 3rd one called us bastards... haiz nvm... nothing to say le...
after school stayed back to help do the ASIAN day thingy... go make my plane also... coz actually i wanna make plane de... den since i never bring anot of things... den i just come back home do lorx... haha...
on a side note... talked about purity today XD i mean after school...
we talk about how najmah looks pure but in reality she is not...
and how parveen look polluted and in reality is polluted
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
himawari(sun flower)
by aquatimez again haha
dis time found lyrics
Kumo ga himawari wo tojikometatte
Karera wa taiyou wo shinjiteru
Hiai wo tsuchikai chinmoku no ura de
Kibou wo nomikomi toki wo matteru
Tatoeba kanashimi mo komezu ni
Ai wo utaeru kai? Sono toushindai no ai wo
“Ningen” hito to hito to no aida ni
Nani wo hagukumu katte koto darou
Yuujou deari aijou deari
Kodoku deari yuuki mata yume deari
Nan no kakehiki mo naku
Sore wo kotoba nishita toki ni
Hitotsu no uta ga umareru hadaka no uta ga
Todokezu jimai no “Arigatou” ya
“Gomen nasai” wa kazoe kire nai
Tada koko ni waku kibou wo nashitogeru tame ni
Susumu yo furimukazu ni
Omoide ni bura sagatteru hima wa ore ni wa nai
Motto kagayaku mirai wo misue
Kono genjitsu wo fumi shimeru yo
Tokubetsu na mono nante nanimo nakute ii
Tada watashi rashiku aritai
Suri kireta kotoba wo
Hi no hikari ni sukashi hokorashiku utai tsuduketai
Jinsei wa hakanai yume wo tabi suru koto ja nai sa
Mou wakaru shiawase nante
Kotoba mo wasurete hashirunda
Namida no sunzen ni wa kotoba ni mo nara nai
Honto no kimochi ga atta
Nanimo tsutaerarezu hohoemi de kakushita
Subete no kanashimi wo koko ni toki hanatsu yo
Koko de owaraseru yo kinou no jibun wo
Shizumari kaeru kokoro no izumi
Momiji ga ichimai ukanderu
Nagameteru dake ja nanimo kawara nai
Tachiagari nanika hajimerunda
Karappo no tori kago wo
Soko ni oki atarashii basho de
Arifureta kiseki ni hikari wo tomoshite yukereba ii
Jinsei wa nanika ni tachi mukau tame ni
Aru to itte mo kagon ja nai
Mae dake wo muite arukou
Yokei na mono wo ushinau tame ni mo
Shidai ni hitai ni ase ga hikaru
Sorega ikigai to ieru hi mo mou chikai
Tassei no namida de hoho wo nurase you
Dareka no sei ni shite tari nai mono
Bakari kazoete owaritaku nai kara
Nisemono no tsubasa wo tataminde arukunda
Miageru sora ga naniiro demo kamawa nai sa
Hikari wa koko ni aru kara ikite yukou
Sora ni nanairo ga nijimu gogo
Aoi sora no houyouryoku kaze no atsumaru basho
Yorokobi mo kanashimi mo ajiwai tsukusu koto
Manikyua no youn i hagare ochi ta uso
Hadaka no kokoro ooki na yume
Chiisa na shiawase kimi no namida wa nanimo machigatte nai
Tsurai no wa hitori dake ja nai sa
Dare datte mogaiteru
Konna ore demo mirai wo houki shita koto wa nai
Mawari michi ni ironna koto wo oshiwari nan to katatteru
Yami wo tsureta mama de ii
Tonikaku ashita ni mukatte hashirou
Hikari no sasu hou he hikari no sasu hou he
Susumou ze susumou ze
Fu kakkou de ii doromamire de ii
Tada taiyou ni mukatte isshin ni saku
Ano himawari no you ni...
un fortunately i cannot find the translation for the song haiz
Saturday, July 28, 2007
dunno wad to do so lian de lorx...
haha... sumone might noticed i changed song...
the song is called
Hoshi no Mie Nai Yoru
By the band Aqua Timez
recently listening to their songs onli... dunno why...
now is fan of Aqua Timez... they are the best...
another song i would like to intro to all of you is
1mm by who... of coz Aqua timez lah... haha lol
i think my blog no one come le... onli left qwerts... haiz...
stupid lah... nothing to do... den the stupid english teacher always change...
now that teacher is the relief of our relief relief relief teacher... XD
Ms. lim COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
japanese invasion!
the boys went ki siao over them le...
and i thought that the more stable people like yong zheng... would stay calm...
but he... well gone siao also lo...XD
but horx onli i can resist the excitment XD
ok lah maybe i almost gone siao abit abit lah
den when they in the hall that time horx... myo thut gone totally siao le... mr tan told adler to tie him down wif his tie XD
den he pon science class and den go see the jap girls. XD den he say he talk to a girl called huska XD dota hero sia lolz
he say got take picture... but dun want to show us... i think fake de lah haha...
justin say he saw them changing behind the stage... he say they very open de... changing door also never close... justin you peep tom XD...
den the canteen today was considerably empty... mostly there were girls in the canteen... i am like the onli 10 boys there lah...XD
den today got napfa... WOOHOOOOOOOO i pass all the 5 stations le... Tml onli thing left is 2.4km i not very confident... but for the first time can pass napfa... i will go all out... even if i faint
dun feel like doing my home work... i rather go do my cca and concentrate on my next year napfa coz i cannot do one full pull up... do training...
this time must get promoted in syfc le... seeing xuejun already junoir cadet pilot le... i must go all out le haha
ok nothing much le bye bye
Monday, July 23, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
recent fustrations, depressions and more orientation for my thoughts + new song
1st there is ms C.W.
she is absent today again... a teacher as black as tar came in... totally uncalled for...XD
myo thut say, if suddenly got solar eclipse arh... the teacher would be gone... XD his imaginative mind... XD
2nd the timothy kenny and jin shen's leg lock
trying to be funny as they always are... good things i managed to counter that attack... WAHAHA
3rd i dun believe it... i fail both my chpt 567 and simultaneous equasions
4th i became more violent than ever... causing me to have bad temper... thx to qwerts... she managed to tell mi where my problems were and i am now more aware of my actions, sry to everyone that i once called names or hit before, sry to lucas for showing aggression to him
than my orientated thoughts... XD
i think since last posts i said time travel backwards is hard... den we will have to try to stop time... however i cannot think of anything to allow for that... haiz...
then the song
it is called michi~to you all~
sang by aluto
it is also naruto shippuden ending 2
ending one was nagareboshi
by home made kazoku
then the lyrics i shall post after someone have uploaded it...
ok bye bye for today... oh ya to mx... get well soon
to qwerts... i reflected le, all apologised le... guess there is nothing more i can do...
Saturday, July 14, 2007
More thoughts and The Plan for REVOLUTION!
i was thinking again... if we cound break down the structure of a item and send it along wires...
like if we break down a item to the atomic level... dun you think we could like send it along cables just like eletrons?? Or maybe if we could change the polarity of a neutron to become electrons or protons... i think we can turn our items to a mass of electrons and send them through wires... i wrote dis coz i felt like it... haha...
then i have a hypotesis, since we are moving at a very high speed thorough space... and travelling at high speeds can allow people to travel through time. if we travel backwards in space we can go back to the past... but we will forget wad happened in the future... haiz i guess not everything is perfect... for now...
Oh ya... time to say bye bye to my good side time for revolt! i shall make her begging for mi to let her off... time for a revolution... members of 2E4 and 2E5 join me for the revolt against Ms Chicken Wing! spread the word!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

flying with the FMS( flight model simulater)
it is kind of training before i have the chance to go for the R-C course...
oh well mx say my blog was too laggy due to the last skin to i changed it
den erm i think i can lend my controller to ppl for one week at most for fun haha...
quite nice to play with lah just that you have to calibrate the controller...
Oh yea one thing... the canteen's lor mee is contaminated i think... i went to the toilet 3 times today haiz...
ok bye bye nothing much to talk about today... just that i am officially broke
Saturday, July 07, 2007
another one of my thoughts
there is no way someone would come and tell you that i came from the future... no way... coz of my simple rethink of the idea of time travel...
you see arh... for people to invent things... they nid a motive...
so if we take the motive as to change world war 2, and one guy made the time machine... and succedded in changing history...
the motive would be gone and there would not be anyone making the machine... coz there is no motive... so no one will want to make the machine coz there is no nid to change the history... if you dun understand arh... come ask me in class... i wil explain to you in detail... bye bye for now...
Thursday, June 28, 2007
recent depressions
1st they like to anyhow nominate people...
2nd they think that xinyi losing her handphone is retribution... lolz why arh? it is not like she is different from other people you can discriminate her right...
3rd this is for timothy, he really is not a friend to keep... even if i helped him when he was in need... he doesn't even want to lend mi his apron on tuesday, lucky there was no home econ
4th it is for adler, he is really a B****(beach) lah... he would go around disturbing people and when they get mad, he shuts up, when you start walking away from him, he say he is not scared
5th marcus, i dun think there is anything about him that i dun like lah
6th the nurshafiq he is also adler type, and likes to scold other people in malay.
7th shafiq, he just plays along with the gang...
i think no one dares to voice out yea? well i totally cannot take it anymore... i am writing to vent the anger... just before i kill myself... XD... but i dun think will happen lah... life is precious to me... so are my friends... trying to be nice to victor recently... coz he say i am very mean to him... i never was mean to him but anyway... he think i am mean... den i be nice to him lo... haha it feels so nice after telling everyone wad i feel...
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Haiz... i feel that i need someone to talk to to share my secrets...
ok wadever... today go YFC can fly liaoz... next month got JAC course den can get promotion finally!!!! hee hee
sry for 3 weeks nvr update arh... and sry to qwerty for tagging... i also dunno why i tag her...
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
yesterday went for YFC den can fly without trainers hand on the handle liaoz but he still with me... really envy the other guys who can do solo haiz main reason i very easy can become dizzy... haiz, trainer call me go and train myself... spin spin spin myself at home... haiz...
den today go to the bukit timah nature reserve... but here to correct mei xuan's post
we did NOT go up bukit timah, we just went on a nature trail not went up...
changed skin and still uploading the songs up and will pick out the songs i think is rather techno rock... haha
bye bye nothing to say le
Ja! SAYONARA tebayo
Monday, May 21, 2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
death, what is the big idea
this is a question in my mind for a long long time... what happens after death?
i made several therioes...
1.we die our soul leaves your body and goes to heaven or hell
this is a believe many people are used to, but no one can prove it.
2.we die and we reincarnate.
this is also a quite popular believe,there have been some cases of it in sri lanka, america and china, but i dun believe!
3. we die and that is it!
This i believe is the true laws of living and death, we die and that is all.
but if we just die like that, what is the point of learning skills and interlectual knowledge? after we die nothing is left. why do we even need to live?
then after this question another question came to my mind!
what is the human mind anyway?
i made some therioes also.
1. they are a group of cells working together and solving complicated problems and learn as they grow on
2 it is a spirit that came along starting with the first human.
if '2' was true, WHY THE HELL did we have so many people nowadays? We all know that a super volcano erupted 78k years ago... and killed most humans... and what the hell! we have so much people now, over population...
than another question came to mind...
what is life?
the questions go on and on and on... i can talk about this for 1 whole year man
Saturday, May 19, 2007

today made lunch for my family...
erm, fried egg
stir-fried pig liver
and raddish soup...
hee hee i can cook lol just that i lazy to cook it haha

this is my very own knife... wahaha... my own.. no one other than me can use it
with permission from my mother, this is pronouced as my knife... she pronounce us husband and knife... lolz
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Your Element Is Fire |
![]() Your passion and emotion are as obvious as the brightest flame. You make sparks fly, and your passion always has the potential to burst out. You are exciting and creative - and completely unpredictable. You sometimes exercise control, and sometimes you let yourself go. Friends describe you as sensitive, spirited, and compulsive. Bright and blazing with intensity, you seem mysterious and moody to many. |
You Should Have Been Born Under: |
![]() Resourceful and practical, you are a quick thinker. You are very observant - and it's hard to get anything past you! A total perfectionist, you are especially picky about looking your best. You're a big dreamer - such a big dreamer that reality can disappoint you. You are most compatible with an Ox or Snake. |
heh i AM borned in the year of the rooster lolz
You Are From Saturn |
![]() |
You Are The High Priestess |
![]() You represent mystery - secrets that are yet to be revealed. You find yourself sitting between two worlds: one dark, one light. You tend to hold these two worlds in balance, reconciling the two. Open and welcoming, you invite others to learn your secrets. Your fortune: Something hidden, or latent, in your life is about to come forward. You need to pay more attention to your dreams, thoughts, intuition, and imagination. And if that involves tapping into your dark side, it will all balance out in the end. You have a lot of potential dying to be unleashed, so let those gates open! |
Your Birthdate: February 9 |
![]() Number of True Loves You'll Have: 5 Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 4 You are most compatible with people born on the 9th, 18th, and 27th of the month. |
OH! 4 heartbreaks painful arh!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Your EQ is 148 |
![]() |


fry the peanuts first... den smell come out liao take out...

den put in meat den fry

den put in the 'tou pok'

the the vegetable thing... dunno call wad...

add in broad bean paste

soy sauce

den add msg...

cover let it boil

boiling in progress... put in corn flour den stir

turn off the fire den pour in the peanuts

den this is the sauce