Tuesday, August 14, 2012

letter to 10 year old self

hey guys,
so its going to be 1 am now and im blogging from my phone because my laptop died. can't charge because charging port is broken. so im not going to care about my capital letters because i cannot be bothered to push the shift button on my phone.

so i saw this thing going around on facebook about writing a letter to your 10 year old self, i found it interesting, so here is mine.

dear cyrus,
you are know as davis now but you won't like the name once u reach sec sch, so you changed your name to cyrus because u can. at the age of 10, you should already be notorious in sch as the kid who doesn't do homework. No matter, keep ignoring them! if fact you will spend all this time improving your english by watching documentaries by Sir David Attenborough. your teacher will look down on you as an irresponsible student, she is going to not give u a position in the class hydroponics project, but don't worry, she is the only fucked up teacher you will encounter. you will be spending a lot of time in the corridoors of JPS because you never did your homework, no worries when you become a loner in primary sch, the solitude makes you stronger than others emotionally, next year you will find a girl you like, she won't want your company, you are too young. PSLE was disappointing, but you would be happy to know Huayi will be a place where you get to know how awesome you will be. You will learn that leadership is not about being the best but knowing how to serve. Servant leadership, big words for a 10 year old.
In Hua Yi, you will find a girl whom will occupy your mind for the whole of 4 years and you will end this friendship with a heartbreak, get over it, cry if you have to, don't have to tell the world because people don't like it. You will still not do homework but its not important any more isn't it. DnT will be your forte and you will be able to grasp mechanical concepts with ease.
You will get into a poly of your choice and you will feel awesome about it. Soon you realise you don't have to be alone any more. You will find awesome friends and will shine like never before. You will reach the top through your tenacity but there are many disappointments with those whom you look up to. Don't listen to those whom you look up to, they are not worth your time. you will get into your first relationship which lasts for 3 days and you will only get to see her for 1 day out of that 3. You will cry but you'll get over it. I trust u would because you always get over it don't you. Remember, if you feel that something will work out, it will work out. don't worry you got this.

The 19 year old you.

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