Monday, December 21, 2009
diary entries in china
Well today i woke up at 4.45am to prepare for the long day ahead... reached airport at 6.20am one hour early from boarding time so my family ate breakfast at the staff canteen at changi airport. den 8.10 our plane took off.[Photo]
Cathay Pacific flight not bad wor. personal inflight entertainment. got one channel you can see the view from the belly of the camera... so damn cool lols... we reached Hongkong at 11.20am, guess what, a certain blond girl was spotted at HongKong airport, that person was Xia Xue along with her boyfriend and her 2 friends. Ya the famous blogger. so cool wor! hahas... Ok from hongkong we transfered to Dragon Air from hongkong to shanghai pudong international airport.[photo]
we arrived at 3pm den there was an epic traffic jam... which made me reach home at 6pm. And 6pm here is pitch black lols. Basicly the weather is so cold that i have to wear like ba zhang(dumpling)
Damn sadded lah cannot find a wireless network i can hack into lol
Ok well that concludes the first day, and coz the weather is so cold... im not bathing today XD.
.;.21st November.;. 10.07pm
Today woke up at 9am+ i like my bed very much coz its very warm.[photo]
This is my grandparent's house its actually 3 units merged into one so its quite spacious hahas[photo][photo]
had Xiao Long Bao for breakfast, weather reports said that weather will get warmer in a few days. so im a partly happy man. I'm partly disappointed coz that means i might not see snow again...
Nothing much happened today.
Okay its getting late so im going to sleep already, byebye...
.;.22nd november.;. 7.52pm
Today woke went to eat breakfast together with family, ate beef noodles. Its a sunday so ppl dun need go school so saw alot chiobu lols... after i came back from breakfast i came back and slept again lol, den around 12 woke up coz my cousin came over to have lunch, poor guy lives in school, sunday and saturday got tuition, their life is so deprived lols... after lunch my mother went out to walk walk, went to the macdonald's which does not have much difference, except McSpicy is very very spicy. lols... after that came back to slack lols
after awhile my cousin came over again for dinner, he just finished his tuition lols, diao de XD den after he left, my father played the laptop den now nothing much left to do so i shall write today's entry.
Just now went to walk walk i bought a handphone accessory, so cool lor its a small harmonica can blow de ley!~ XD
Ok shall watch more TV den byebye~
.;.23rd November.;. 10.47pm
Im now at my maternal side de grandfather house. My aunt has a dog and my sister has been bugging the doggy all day long lols. I'll stay here for a few days and im sleeping in my cousin's room, he just graduated from university and i have no idea where he went. So now im using his room [photo]
I've bugged my mother to buy me a PSP and tml im getting it! WooHoo~! *chant: PSP PSP PSP PSP PSP PSP...*(you can call this law of attraction) time for monster hunta~ XD. I was outside just now and saw this KFC imitation, damn funny de lor [photo] compared to [photo] LOLS! Anyway here is a view of the KFC menu in china. I also went to eat some china's version of satay[photo]
This place is much more fun than my grandparent's house because got my cousin here and my yeye[mother's father] is a funny man hahas.Might go theme park this week WooHoo~~ lols
I suddenly feel that im very young lols, my 2 cousins all working liao, my distant cousin[grandfather's sister's grandchild] is married >.<
dammit i got internet for a brief moment an now its gone T_T
.;.24th November.;. 9.21pm
Today morning woke up early to go fishing, i got no catch, my gradfather caught 3 lols and that was the only 3 our family got home >.<
After that went online for awhile to see see how everyone is doing... den we went out to buy psp, its was a bad thing to do lol. First we went to But my sister's earrings, den we walk to the shop selling psp. Half-way through my sister found out that i am going to buy a psp, She became someone i wish to beat up *.* Here is the dialog of my mother and my sister:
Sister:Don't buy the psp for kor
Mother: It's his money (money from grandfather and aunt)
Sister: return him the money!
Mother: If i return him the money he will buy it himself.
Sister: Den burn the money!
I almost whack her in the middle of the road and throw her into the street and let car run over her -_- its like WTH lor, you bought your earrings and just because you don't have the psp doesn't mean i cannot have it lah WTH you primary 3 nia, everytime you think you want what you get what meh. Den in the end the shop has closed already. -_- lousy sister, if my sister is like Tzeying or Huihao i'll be so happy lor. they are what i call model sisters.
Now i'm home typing this to went my anger and 'bushuang'ness... ok bye liao
.;.1st december.;. 6.11pm
past few days never write much things coz my sister koped my comp to watch DVD. So i psp-ed the days away, eat and sleep eat and sleep, everyday is like that de... haiz sian... nothing much to do de. maybe because its the weather, i feel extra lonely...
rest of the days are mostly PSP... lols
Thursday, November 19, 2009
im going to Bukit Batok CSC later for some gathering. den come home will pack up my laptop den go and sleep... my flight tml is 8am so that means i must reach the airport at 6, which means i have to wake up at 5 o.o lols... ok gtg le bye bye... look forward to my next post =D
Thursday, November 05, 2009
this singer's voice very unique... and i like the beat of this song and the sound of the keyboard in the back ground
hi guys... hohos... exams are coming to an end... im left with 2 chinese papers and MCQ for science.
This O lvl thing is actually just scaring people only... overall it was all easier than what we learned and i felt good for all the papers except geog... A friend of mine said she foresee herself retaining for a year, i have no comments lol... anyway 6 more days till the end of exams, 11days to prom, 14 days to sitting on a flying piece of metal to china via hongkong... hahas
today was a full day of anime... i finished watching GaReiZero... not bad.. but its just average not much to comment about that... but i have to say yomi reminds me of mio... after GaReiZero i watched 07Ghost... it has been 3 years since i started to watch anime and i've watched many many animes... hahas... let me show off my anime list lol
These are still not completed:-
Naruto Shippuden 133
Bleach 244
Kekkaishi (manga) 205
KateikyoushiHitmanReborn 157
Kuroshitsuji 8
Full metal panic: the 2nd raid 3
Chrome Shelled Regios 3
Fairy Tail manga/anime 158/04
Dragon Drive(manga) 13
Dragon Drive 14
FMA: brotherhood 30
Asura Cryin' 7
Valkyria Chronicles 16
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya S2 12
Nabari no Ou 9
Bamboo Blade 10
Needless 4
Element hunters 2
07Ghost 7
These are completed animes:-
Ga-Rei Zaro
ShugoChara! Doki
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
Sengoku Basara
Skip Beat
Ouran High School Host Club
Ghost hunt
Midori no Hibi
NHK ni yokoso
Final Approach
Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu
Full Metal Panic
Busou Renkin
Full Metal Alchemist
Erementar Gerad
Five Tailed Fox(movie)
Futakoi Alternative
Air Gear
Air Master
Yakitate! Japan
Code Geass
Code Geass R2
D.Gray Man
Eye Sheild 21
Ginban kaleidoscope
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Zombie Loan
Beating Angel Dokuro-Chan
Beating Angel Dokuro-Chan II
Wolf's Rain
Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi(movie)
Very long list... in 3 years.. wanna thank YongZheng for starting this little adventure of mine, he was the one who introduced to me anime, then there was Lucas who got brainwashed by me to listen to japanese songs... Meixuan whom i brainwashed to watch erementar gerad. Tzeying who made me watch D.grayman... Qwerty who intro-ed me Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi... den Matilda who rec-ed Ouran high school host club... den Wesley with his weird songs edited from some opening and ending songs of anime... Cheiulin and Shugee who discussed anime every now and then... Desmond who also recs anime from time to time... Dawn Chan who rec me anime every now and then also... Dawn Koh who helped me recover some of YUI's songs... and somemore people that i forget to mention...
so fast uh 4 years of secondary school education... looking forward to Poly! hahas... ok la shall stop here... nothing much left to post bb
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Prelims are over and the results are back... kinda dissapointed for this exam, emaths was quite bad, chinese and science too... i passed english and got a reasonable score for DnT.... humans and amaths was a wreck...
After getting back the results, i believe that the class has woken up, i certainly did so too. I did topic by topic on Amaths and started to improve on amaths. the class became really serious too, considering that this is the first time our class is this quiet during the geog and social studies lessons.. all the jokers start to study. competition! lols
Results aside, there is nothing much to say. i'm using my spare time on amaths these days, hope it will improve. gona think of a method to study humanities...
There has been bad blood between my friends and i dun really know whats going on... i'm neutral hahas... because that does not concern me. i got this really furry handphone pouch... its so soft and nice to touch... hahas
Today went to bind the DnT folios... lols so sian... after that discussed the contents of our prom nite video... extremely good ideas were given by adlar. afterall the theme is humour... adlar is our best bet... lols
Oh yeah btw, my ngian gave me a k810i before holidays, who thought that would have happened lols... hahas.~
Currently 2 songs are being looped in my headphones, The man who can't be moved- The Script and Kimi no shiranai monogatari-Supercell, the title means 'stories that you don't know'. these are 2 really nice songs... hahas...
slightly sick now... got sore throat, running nose and block nose.... but i dun think i will die from it so dun worry people...
OK! o lvl coming i might come online less often after next wednesday because i wanna revise after finishing the prom video... hahs ok bye
Sunday, August 02, 2009
where is my free time?????
ok its been a long time since i last blogged so i shall come back to see see...
actually there is not much change in my lifestyle since the last post...
haha recently use alot money lei -_- everyday breakfast and lunch eat outside so everyday need $8++
DnT after school everyday but i have made no progress for my product... i might brop DnT if this goes on! NOOOOOO~ LOL
aiyo i dunno wad to blog la... bb
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Haha the reason it was so great is because 1 fun thing and 1 happy thing happened...
in the morning woke up at 8am go school for DnT... walk around the workshop, den suddenly mr ngian pop out and call us go do clean up... we all sian diao... but, it was more of destruction than cleaning up...
We went up to the 2nd floor, we are given a task, to clear the workshop 2 storeroom of old projects, we, armed with ballpien hammers... whacked and destroyed alot alot alot of workpieces.... oh the joy~ we broke so many stuff to throw away, its was mayhem... Haha... its a good way to release the stress build up... haha.
den at night my family went to sakura to eat... coz my father birthday coming den we celebrate earlier... my family eat until cannot walk liao LOL.... haha XD
teriyaki chicken is very nice~ haha
ok this quiz is really really scary lor... so zhun....
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.Your views on education
Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
ok maybe this short post will do for now.. haha byebye
Friday, July 17, 2009
Back to update~~
i apologise for not updating recently. 32 days till the DnT Submission Deadline... so im doing DnT in school every single day after school until 6pm+ den 7pm+ will reach home... gona do some homework den play Crazy Planets awhile... anyway my stats are here
Bazooka lvl5 (for those annoying flying things)
grenade lvl5 (favourite arh!!!)
Cluster bomb lvl4 (Best damage)
Big Boomer lvl3 (painful)
Fluff bomb lvl1 (almost useless)
Today reach home at 8pm coz me and my dudes were at the happy cup bubble tea shop there gossiping... the contents are not to be disclosed... haha...
By the way, what i am doing for my DnT is Designing a Coin Sorter for the vendors in the canteen. So what i am doing has alot of precision involved. considering coin sizes are measured in 0.01mm de. haha so training to become precision engineer in the future? LOL. I really like DnT coz i can help people, i have helped Desmond, LiSheng, Justin, Guo Xiang, Siong Wei, Rafael, HuiNing, Zikun... aiyo alot jiu dui le la... hahaha
Anyway, lessons recently are really really really boring... english lessons are like always, chinese lesson everytime do listening... wth... maths is normal, haha, den physics lessons are really really boring because its teaching magnetism, which is like so primary school. haha since i answer most questions my classmates call me wikipedia haha... i really like chem lessons coz alkenes and alkanes are so nice to study...
oh class jersey come le, my jersey number is 0! haha, class jersey is 0 coz i feel that it is a very special number, it makes things happen, it represents something that is nothing, haha. it sets things going because if there is no zero, man would not step on the moon! anyway the jersey is white so it get dirty easily.... but at least its nice!
oh yeah i submitted my DPA so lets hope that i can get in, i need manymanymany luck from everyone! haha...
O lvls coming in like 3months? WTH, i still need to choing my Amaths and Humanities... both F9 subjects, terrible lol but no choice have to do! which one should i do first? lol haha... so fast la 3months and my secondary education will end... haha... to get into DPA i need to get at least C6 for my english! no kik de... lol haha
Oh well, Recently i dun have much songs to listen to, even if have nice songs also cannot listen coz handphone no mp3,so have good songs also cannot listen to it... sadded... lol
ok la maybe i shall end here... ^^ bye~
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Aerospace Technologies
Being a member of the Singapore Youth Flying club, I have developed a strong interest in the field of aerospace. I have achieved the rank of Junior Pilot in my CCA. After building many model aircraft and riding in a pilot training aircraft, I felt that I would like to know more about these machines and if possible, design one myself. In the past 4 years of secondary school life, I have attended competitions like the Singapore Amazing Flying Machine Competition. I feel that choosing this course will allow me to realise my dream of becoming a mechanic for the Republic of Singapore Air Force.
Aeronautical Engineering
Being a member of the Singapore Youth Flying club, I have developed a strong interest in the field of aerospace. I have achieved the rank of Junior Pilot in my CCA. After building many model aircraft and riding in a pilot training aircraft, I felt that I would like to know more about these machines and if possible, design one myself. In the 4 years of secondary school life, I have attended competitions like the Singapore Amazing Flying Machine Competition. I feel that choosing this course will allow me to explore aerospace from a different perspective than just riding on a aircraft.
Aerospace Engineering
Being a member of the Singapore Youth Flying club, I have developed a strong interest in the field of aerospace. I have achieved the rank of Junior Pilot in my CCA. After building many model aircraft and riding in a pilot training aircraft, I felt that I would like to know more about these machines and if possible, design one myself. In the 4 years of secondary school life, I have attended competitions like the Singapore Amazing Flying Machine Competition. I feel that choosing this course will allow me to know the complex electronics behind the sophisticated machines that allows human flight.
haha ok byebye
Sunday, June 28, 2009
I say hor... this video dun share is really a waste coz its freaking funny... ladies... watch at your own risk... haha
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Song now: 断桥残雪by许嵩
just now went swimming, but i go there dip inside water only...
we first went to play in the lazy river... men my mother being a chubby lady went to rent a float and she got in... the tube can tight fit one... haha so she stand there the tube wun drop de... so we went into the lazy river... she almost flip around coz me and my father + sister jump onto the float..
haha so funny...
den we went to the jaccuzi pool play wif the bubbles... haha den went to the competition pool, my father 45 turning 46... he wrestle me in the pool lol... haha... so funny la...
after that went KFC eat family meal + 1 6inch pizza 4 ppl share... haha so small XD... we joke our way home... haha...
i really love my family.. alto sometime i quarrel wif my parents but they are still very cute parents =3 haha
ok bye bye
song now: Chou! by DJ OZMA
yesterday went to jurong point to eat and shop... ate xiaolongbao again... haha... they taste so good~ lol... ate 5 of them~ whee~ yum~ lol...
den went to buy some things at yue hwa chinese products and den NTUC Xtra buy alot of stuff. i bought a BBall~ lol... im trying to sound as exicted as i can LOL...
ok la these few days wake up, laptop, eat, laptop, bath, sleep. quite sian de... but oh well school starting soon so can break from this slacking life liao.. haha
hmm... dunno what to update liao... haha bye
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Song now: Shippu Jinrai ~inochi BOM-BA-YE~ by DJ OZMA
Holidays are ending soon. next monday school reopen le, everyone must rmb to do ur homework arh~ haha last thursday went for YFC camp... go there at nite play comp until 3am LOL... choing CS with Shisong. Day 1 was filled with CS, day2 also CS. day 3, comp died>.< my laptop charger spoiled. so yesterday went to sim lim square to buy one, wah expensive $50, got tio scam de feeling. 1st 2 weeks of holiday got extra lessons the last 2 weeks filled wif DnT. Today Mr Ng choing into the room telling us to go home. Coz all lessons are cancelled.. so i rushed home to play comp =P
So in the end i get 2 days of holidays. Haha... very happy liaoz~
Haiz why must they cause such a huge ruckus about H1N1... Its like less than 0.05% of the population kena must make until headlines everywhere... LOL
yesterday the trip to sim lim square was really quick and lonely, Take MRT to Bugis, walk to simlim. go 2nd floor, buy, walk to bugis MRT, MRT back... LOL very short... i was sleeping thru the whole thing wakaka...
recently feel weird weird de... also dunno how to describe... bored, but actually have something to do. LOL... oh yeah Shisong recommended me a singer, his name is Vae许嵩 his voice is very unique.
aiyo dunno wad to say le la... Mother dun ask me blog liao~ ntn to update le
Ok nothing much to say liao... bb
i shall update when ppl ask me to... haha
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
naruto shippuuden ending 2-FULL PV-michi~to you all by aluto
How come we cannot download the PV version of this song in gendou!? walao
Friday, May 29, 2009
OK for english I got
Total= 393.7/700
L1R4= 18
L1R5= 27
Class/ lvl position
Comments: Zhiyi is always willing to take part in all classroom activities (i have no choice, im the class CEO) and is helpful towards his peers and teachers (Of course, i dun wan to make them angry and go siao and cast my life into chaos.) He must review his study habits and catch up in his work( agree... bo study tio). He has potential to excel academically. (agree)
i say this is an average result... but can still improve...
what i don't like is how my parents like to nag about this... everytime ask me go sweep road... FUCK THEM! heck... I'm trying my best liao... yet even if my results inprove, they still ask me to go sweep road, bloody hell you come and take the exam lah wth -_-
you think easy you do lah, Say what can ask father about Amaths -_- He doesn't even know english differenciation how ask him?
To ALL Parents, Thanks for bring us up! but you don't have to look down on us! and demoralise us so much. It doesn't work at all! Its because of what you said that we have delinquients, because you guys show too much hostilitly when they get their results, not encouragement that they needed when they did badly. I know its our fault that we didn't do well, but you dun have to ask us to be a road sweeper/cleaner and do banglah work just because we don't get A1 for all the subjects. If you are not going to accept us and our results den we will not even care for your words.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
OKOK!!! i update -_-
XD ok today was the last paper for mid year exam.
its been a while since i last tagged, many things happened... i actually studied for my amaths... WOW lol... haha...
ok so the exams are quite easy except amaths paper 1, to my surprise amaths paper 2 is quite simple to my surprise. haha this time my amaths might just pass, yae~, i see the light
ok so before my 2nd week of exams i went out wif the OBS guys and yizhen to study lah, celebrate birthday lah... alot alot lah haha... those days were fun, but still have to study... aiyo so unorganised... haha
Anyway with mid year gone, i'll start to party like siao for 1 week den study again... standard one... after all sec4 liao mah. hahaz
so fast hor, going to june le... 4 more months to end of secondary school life. kinda fast... oh well time waits for no man so... yeah
recently i have been play this game call evony(previously called civony) its not bad... can have a go at it.
Arh~~~ Its so fast, step down liao, CEO club de stuff also not my taichi liao, abit sad. "when CEOs step down they dun feel graduated but demoted" quoted from famous guy in school, which i agree is quite true. Feel left out from all the action, haha.
after Os i am going to Ngee Ann poly to take aerospace technologies and take the path of aircraft maintainence crew. haha, i just can't settle without a hands on job, hopefully i dun kill anyone due to human error =X
Arh~ my classmates are damn rich if you go out with 5 people (excluding urself) there will be 6~7 PSPs with them -_- HEY! where is mine mom! lol... haha
This friday im gona get my junior pilot rank... So happy haha... gona enjoy the remaining of my secondary school life, my only regret is that i haven found many close close friends, many people know who am i and talk to me, but in the end, im just another person who came into their life and faded away.
ok should stop now.
P.S. to all my juniors, it just hurts me to know about you guys breaking the close friendship ties with once very very close friends, those who are the ones im talking about and reads my blog, i really wish you guys could just be friends again. Sec 1s stop being childish to put dunno wad friendship trust meter or some dumb thing like that, its totally dumb. i mean you guys are gona be in the same school for 4 long years, it never hurts to make friends. to the Sec 3s, cherish your friends even if they have talked less with you and started to hang around other people. Be nice, be tolerant and just enjoy each other's company even if it might make you feel unconfortable. Maybe i should end here, after all i am not really in a position to comment about this.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Morning i forgot to give the key to another classmate coz i was rushing for the NE meeting
Den when i came back i made the whole class have their lessons outside. Den the f*#king bastard called me a loser. if that f#*king bastard think that he is a winner by any chance. He should get himself a life... instead of shouting loser in front of everyone. i am sorry of my blunder but you dun have to 'go out of your way' to insult someone...
Afternoon got Napfa,WTH our tags took so long to arrive... WTH ... and as if that wasn't enough, My money and ezlink card was stolen when i was doing the damn napfa... FROM MY WALLET ITSELF! you bloody f*#ing ch## bye!... return me my ezlink as least you f*#king ch## bye!!
wth,... wad lousy day is this -_-
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
So we went to Wan Zai to eat!
Birthday girl in question


and girls + birthday girl

back to HKE to continue celebration coz IMM closed

Group photo of guys + birthday girl

Group photo of girls
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
the camp was ok... i give it a 6/10 compared to last year's leadership camp...
good points of the camp:
1. Its shower paced
2. It has good food
3. very good beds
bad points of the camp:
1. Coaches are slightly disorganised
2. No camp fire
3. Err... not really useful for huayi's empowerment module
but, with that aside, its still an ok camp...
Mr Y. said that only camps ran by NACLI or TRYBE is good! haha
anyway... camp happened quite fast so dun really recall much
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
arh its so fast its so fast.. so fast... LOL anyway i am happy!! coz i helped Ms Tracy settle somethings with her blog! WooHoo all these years of blogging paid off!! haha
ok saturday i got speech day -_- den monday tuesday i got over nite at SYFC for career talk. den next saturday and sunday i have the long awaited leadership camp! haha... so my march holiday will be almost killed O.O... LOL...
ok anyway
speechday is dis sat!!! aiyo... talk face to face with the GOH leh!~~ aiyo aiyo aiyo -_- lol
ok maybe shouldn't update much more cya
oh yeah last quiz before i go
Wow You Are 85.0% of A Genius!!
Congratulations, You Don't Look Like One, But You Sure Think Like One!!
Friday, March 06, 2009
Sunday, March 01, 2009
im sick X.X
i wan go slp again -_- byebye
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
These few days like Zombie liddat... everyday same routine, looking for
anyway, yesterday i changed the songs on the right. all 3 songs come from Burnout Paradise. They sound damn nice! wahahahaha
ok Gona give u guys some update about the student hub... Gona be a check for classroom pleasentness~ on friday! so u guys know what to do... LOL
den the mural looks to nice now~ haha Thanks YingXue~ haha
den err... err... idk wad to say liao... haiz... so busy yet so bored.. LOL... bb
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
i am so happy now man... i just checked my eclassroom and i have toped the class for my maths with a freaking 100-A1! OMG~~~~~~
30-Jan-2009 English (53-C6)
13-Jan-2009 Maths (93-A1)
22-Jan-2009 Maths (100-A1)
02-Feb-2009 MT Chinese (58-C5)
06-Feb-2009 Physics Combined (83-A1)
12-Jan-2009 Social Studies (46-D7) *
lol ignore my SS XD...
OMG man... last year it was D7 OMG!!~~ now its A1... weets... i just reloaded my spirit and i am jumping back into this war!! Roar!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Haiz... for 7 months i have been the CEO club president, its has been a lonely struggle for me. while i was struggling to go on in this war for the student hub, this war for the school, my parent doesn't even care about how i was doing in school, all they see is my grades, they don't see the effort i put in for the school. That is why i don't want to continue anymore, i spent so much time for the school, i didn't have time to spend with my friends, now i feel that loneliness which is overwhelming... I am tired, i don't see the point of this going on... I dun want to go on in this lonely battle... Because i dun have support from my friends, i dun have support from my family... Haiz...
after all this is typed out, i feel abit better. Heck, no one reads this damn blog anyway
Saturday, February 14, 2009

You are Silver Lion, whose facial expression is always gentle.
You are a carefree person, and gives an impression of understanding person.
Nevertheless, you can be precise and obstinate, the side of the personality that you don't show often.
You are also a person with pure mind.
You may put yourself aside and do someone a service instead.
You are an independent minded person.
Even if you face a difficult situation, you will not ask others for help, and try to overcome it on your own.
Person with this kind of character tend to stay youthful in mind and in body, no matter how old they get.
Even if you get old in age, you will ride out the situation with your energy.
You tend to be strict on rank relationship.
When you are a subordinate, you will give credit to your boss, and once you yourself become a boss to someone, you ask for the same.
You also think high of authority, and therefore you obey the instructions from your boss.
You respect common sense and order, and will not accept business that does not follow the rules of the society.
Although you can take on matters with rock-steady stance, you are actually competitive person.
If you can not achieve a respectable result, you tend to stop trying, and give up.
You lack sixth sense, so you are not so suited to do gambling.
You are a person who goes for security.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
haiz... ok... haven been updating for awhile... 9th of feb was my birthday... i thank those who gave me birthday greetings and presents, i love them. Thanks!
walao eh... these days keep telling myself to hang in there for just a few more months... its like... i really dun feel like doing more self-sacrifice already... i think i've done enough of this already -_-... i want more time for myself... Damn! i need a vacation...
i want emotional support badly now... lol... the loneliness is overwhelming
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Zzzz... after that went to the JE library with ShiSong... we folded paper planes... den i found a book... its a book written in traditional chinese... a book about tokugawa ieyasu... a Sho-gun who unified japan 500 years ago... so borrowed it... after that went to science center to do lol things...
after that come home den eat dinner den blog... lol
anyway these days are soo sian... who can entertain me?
Monday, February 02, 2009
Siong Ba is the best liao! Haha...
after school at 4pm went to celebrate Ginny's birthday... go there sing song and eat chips... haha...
i rearranged my links already! ok bb ntn to update
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Dead rat spotted...
Sentosa trip yesterday
Sentosa also
Today dinner de soup, how to eat when there is so many eyes staring at you?
OK today i dunno wad to update so random update... haha
today slack at home... chatted with Jinyi in the evening on MSN... den some other random ppl ask things...
LOL i die le lah~~ tml got 默写 sia... die le lah forget... ARH!!!! DIE! EPIC DEATH!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
ok today woke up and went to sentosa, man i have to say, sentosa is really getting lousy, its too boring...
But hor... i went for a soak in the sea, its so nice to be able to relax awhile in this hectic year... too many things going on in this short month, went up stage dunno how many times... Haiz... i felt at peace when i am floating in the sea. Haha~~~~~
lol i dunno wad to type le lah... in this one month knew more people
Ter Ren
Dawn Koh
Xuan Qi
all of them are my cute cute juniors haha XD
lol sounds so disgusting... XD... leaving school dis year... gona miss school...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
ok today i found this very bu shuang thing happening around me... very LOL jiu dui liao haha...
i was walking in the canteen... den one bunch called my name... i turned around, i dun even know them LOL!!! den after school also... den another bunch of sec 1 or sec 2 girls i think... called my name i turned around... WTH i dun even know them -_-... i think i've been on stage for too many times for the start of the year LOL...
anyways i am really not happy about the sec3 CEOs... so far i have someone in mind for the president and vice-president post liao... but i haven seen others yet...
Arh... i dunno wad to update liao... tired lah... i wan go school but i dunno go study... XD
anyway did another test
ANIMOLOGY: What Animal Are You? Your Result: Blue Fox You are the blue fox! A total perfectionist and a true born leader. You can never resist a challenge! Your Soul Mate is the Yellow Trout and you loathe the Indigo Beaver. | |
Silver and Red Wolf | |
Teal Cat | |
Ocre and Gray Dolphin | |
Gold Falcon | |
Red Jaguar | |
Yellow Trout | |
Tan Giraffe | |
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
tml got my father's friend come for dinner... so i guess wun be so sian...
yesterday dawn recommanded me a manga, so i went to read lor... its quite nice actually, i hope it gets anime-ised XD * lol recently alot of lol words i am using*
Haiz...other ppl CNY so fun, why mine so sian lol... and dudes wanna ask me out?? haha go play basketball i also dun mind, and i dunno how to play.. XD i noob... i only play soccer, badminton haha... i commoner.. XD
i wonder why xiaomeimei so weird today, maybe i did something wrong... lol sry if i did anything wrong arh... most probably i dun mean it...
lol why am i always pissing girls off???????????? *whacks myself*
OUCH! (ok lol i am being lame XD)
haiz, nothing much to update leh... let me try to squeeze more words... XD
oh yeah today solar eclipse, saw the sun get eaten by the moon, den the clouds came in and ate both... XD, my point is, the cloud cover the eclipse lah LOL... cannot see le lor...
Oh BTW those playing maple de hor... my father is crazy liao, he train until level 59 liao... he train so fast LOL... i got owned by him lah... XD
hmm lets see what else i can squeeze out...
arh! just now xiaomeimei let me read her short story, i tot shocked/stunned/paralysed by her vocab lol... read her story i nid dictionary lah!!! haha... i wonder if she is really sec 3. can i smuggle her into my O level? XD... last time she smuggle me, now i smuggle her.. LOL
on facebook i found a very nice application called mouse hunt, which is quite nice to play... make traps, put cheese, hunt rat, earn money, buy new traps LOL... and the game quite slack... so can just go and see if i got catch any mouse anot... EVERYONE! join FACEBOOK! too fun liaoz... XD
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Arh~~~~ Ornithopters Are SOO COOOOOL~~

Saturday, January 24, 2009
so sian now... dunno what to do... even CNY is sianed lol...
What is your True Fear? Your Result: Losing Someone You love affection and the people in your life more than anything. Your greatest fear is that one day someone you care about won't be there anymore. You are a very friendly and inviting person, who draws in a lot of friendships with your kind, considerate, and loyal nature. However, deep down you are slightly insecure and unsure of yourself. You couldn't deal with it if you didn't have one of your loved ones in your life anymore. You don't have too much to worry about though, because with a friend like you, no one will want to lose you either! | |
Being Alone | |
Death | |
Looked down on | |
Disappointment | |
Where Your life is Going | |
Commitment | |
What is your super power? Your Result: Invisibility You have the ability to go invisible at will. You like to keep to yourself. The friends you have aren't exactly friends, more like "acquaintences." It may not be that you don't trust them, just that you don't want to get involved in their lives while there is so much going on in your own. Some days, you care about people, if there's an accident, you'll try to help. Other days, you might not feel like it, or even want to notice anything happened. Your greatest weakness is your lack of company. Sometimes, it's ok to have someone close-by. We all need friends to help us get through hard times. | |
Electrokenesis | |
Telekenesis | |
Gadgets | |
Pyrokenesis | |
Hydrokenesis | |
Time Control | |
Plasma Blasts | |
Friday, January 23, 2009
Fun day~
today after school went to eat KFC with yongzheng and chekjun xiaomeimei and her friend (jinyi izzit?)... den xiaomeimei laugh at me all the way... LOL do i eat in a funny way??
ok after that went student hub to play~ lol play until 7pm... school gate lock le... so no choice, climb gate... althought climb gate only... first time climb... so dam fun... den my child side pop out... i went totally crazy over the fact that i climbed the school gate~~ haha
lol... i'm so childish~~
ok end~~
Friend~ Korkor and propellor support you!
Monday, January 19, 2009
today woke up early coz got presentation in school...
den the presentation went quite well... but i dun have enough eye contact with the audience...
the school day was normal, after school went to open the student hub and went for house practice, was incharge of volley ball, but in the end play for fun only -_-
den after that i start to headache... sry to xiaomeimei i no time buy your lollipop coz i was not feeling well... went home and slept for 3 hours... den wake up le still abit headache but can tahan it already...
its 10.30 now and i can't really sleep... i wonder how long this eadache is going to last, hopefully not to long and bad coz i still have ome responsibilities in school...
ok go off le
Friday, January 16, 2009
I am glad.
recently listen to songs all bother to go see the lyrics one. den just now went meixuan's blog listen to 如烟, inside got one part 'i want to go back and rewrite the past'...
that little sentence made me think about the times where i wanted to change what i have done, change my attitude towards my life.
But even with that said, i am glad that i didn't do it otherwise. Because of the simple reason that if i had change what i had done, for example worked harder to go to Fuhua sec, i wouldn't have met the Wonderful people in huayi.
What i want to say is, if you want to rewrite the past, take a minute to think, if you have actually changed what you wanted to change, will it effect the things you really appriciate in your life?
Thursday, January 15, 2009
asking for trouble -_-
after school got house practice, den i went to the staff room to ask ms lui what time to gather, den she asked me to take care of the attendance taking thing, so i help lo...
after everything end, got another round of attendance taking mah... so help again lor... den she ask me to become sports leader O.O... lol, den just now asked ms tracy if it was okay to do so, she said ok so, i ok lor... haha
den after the house practice thingy. i saw mr amran, because i was kinda concerned(actually pissed off) that people don't know how to prnounce the names of the houses, so i told mr amran about what i feel. den he tell me to go on stage to pronounce the words... so... liddat lor...
ok... have to go sleep le... bye~
Friday, January 09, 2009
ok today CCA excibition is over, we recruited 19 people, but i bet they'll be reduced after february. so ain't really that confident in them. Some join on impulse... LOL
BTW lah... no one really tags lah... it makes me feel so alone... LOL... but everyone busy liao so no time...
Met the CEOs today, saw some hope in them, We have some fine men and women LOL... I kinda felt scammed when Mr Shaheful told me there is no LAN in the student HUB... WTH! now then tell me... how the hell am i going to tell them rest LOL!
my post today so many lols lol... XD
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Busy Busy!!!
Haiz... suddenly Quote of the day also pop out... WTH
So now got so many things pop out suddenly
1. Student hub must be done before this week...
2. Quote Of the week coming in 2 weeks... and only 2 offered help... and i think i am the one who will present it.
3. CCA excibition, must get that foam plane ready for display lah~
Today went into the student hub to Clear the cardboxes and the things lying on the ground, luckily i have my little junior KeWei volunteer himself to help mi do them, so we finished rather quickly. den Evelyn, Zikun, Sherm, Timothy, and Sheryl(sherm's sis) came to see see... haha thankful they came coz we abit lonely... haha Sherm helped us abit... so since they helped us i turned on the Wii for them to play while i vacume the floor, i have no idea why in the end they more interested in the vacume than the Wii... LOL
anyway, after that they went home and some SCs came so we played awhile and we left, with the room clean! haha
This is life, so tough~
Sunday, January 04, 2009
song... haha
today sunday liao... tml go back school again -_- wth lah... CCA excibition so fast come le... friday lol... haiz... my life is kinda messed up now... -_-
Friday, January 02, 2009
walao no fair WTF
sec3 going japan for 5 days
OBS is 5 days...
i nvr went to japan at all
my obs is only 3 days...
NO FAIR!! mrs leong! i wan complain!
1st day of school
ok so now sec 4 le, no time to lala liao XD... sec 3 is the time where everyone plays hard... sec 4 must study hard liao... haha...
Haiz... before studying like crazy, i still have to a least finish the prep for the student hub... i'll really have to get serious for this year, with or without motivation... so.. must choing arh! XD
hmm... i wonder how will this year go...