Monday, February 04, 2008


since there isn't much to update...
i shall write about a few of my new classmates.*note first impression only... doesn't mean final*

Janelle- i dunno much about her lehz... just that she is force to be vice ceo... lolz

YuXin- quite a nice girl unless you step on her tail...

Radin- everyone is her love lol... o.o'

Patricia- a very enthu girl... everyday also dunno enthu wad

ChieuLin- a girl quite talented in art.. especially drawing anime pictures as the porportion of the drawing is very accurate

LiSheng- he is quite a good guy, but mixes with the wrong bunch

Wesley- the big ass... ok lah not rly he just gets on my nerve sumtimes... peel back the layers he is a good guy

SiongWei- he has a very very obvious good boy face

KaHao- he is a big guy who looks rowdy.. he is like a onion... got layers one... inside he a very good person.... but i think have to peel alot of layers to get there =X

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