Saturday, September 30, 2006
i went to search the web and i found out dis:
wat happened was, mentos when comblined with cocacola light, the gas trapped in the coke escapes rapidly and all the gas will rush out from the bottle and shoot up.
LOL all i can say is the world is wonderful and also wat a waste of coke!
Monday, September 25, 2006
new skin
Sunday, September 24, 2006

A Genin from the village of Konoha, Uchiha Sasuke is one of the last surviving members of the Uchiha clan. This clan is known for the genetic ability to use the Sharigan eye. This eye allows its users to copy any jutsu technique their opponent uses. Sasuke's clan was killed by his older brother Itachi, because of that he has devoted his life to killing his brother.
Saturday, September 23, 2006

heh ... everyone was not online today... all went to study... and wat am i doing?? making a blogskin... LOL i should be doing revision! made a blogskin about him dis guy,' colonel sarcastic' XD but den the person who call me do say dun wan le... Haiz... those ppl like him one plz arh
want blogskin tell me...
Friday, September 22, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
den nottin to do lor... during maths lesson i figured out how weak my maths was... den first time in the 2nd semester... i listened to mr siow... OMG so rare of me!!!
after school , went to finish dnt, after finishing DnT went to jurong point wif Yong Zheng & Wei Kong went there to eat ( erm if you can dun eat wif yong zheng fast food coz ur food will be gone fast... he cope me and wei kong's food!!!!!)den come back home... come home first thing play comp!!!! Woots XD
OH ya... dis is for kok wai!

Monday, September 18, 2006
Kong Kong great challenge!

well... all i can say is... i rock!!!
After playing kongkong wif the girls:shu gee and mei xuan... all i can say is i rock! coz played alot rounds and lost 3 times onli HAHA!!
i think our class got 5 ppl play
by level:
1.Christina Lv10
2.Xuzhiyi Lv9
3.MeiXuan Lv7
4.ShuGee Lv6
5.Zavier Lv1(according to him)
By money:
By skill:
Saturday, September 16, 2006

Featuring: Uzumaki naruto the ramen boy XD
A Genin from the village of Konoha, Uzumaki Naruto is the container for the Kyuubi Demon Fox. Shortly after he was born, the Kyuubi attacked the village. To stop the demon the Fourth Hokage was forced to imprison it into the body of the young baby Naruto. As Naruto grew up the adults in Leaf Village saw Naruto as the demon fox itself. This feeling was passed on to their children who also looked down on Naruto. Growing up Naruto did not have anyone who really cared him. Because of this Naruto has grown up seeking to have everyone recognize him as being a skilled ninja. To that end his goal is to surpass the Hokage.

He is the last surviving quincy, and has a deep seeded hatred for all Shinigami because his sensei died fighting hollows when the Shinigami were late to show up. He challenges Ichigo by putting out hollow bait and thus attracting alot of hollows, so much that they couldnt not handle them all. Ishida and Ichigo then team up to beat the hollows and save the city.
looking back to wat anime i watched i counted...
3 animes...
307 episodes...
3Oavs and2 movies...
well that izznt much compared to sum ohter ppl...
actually i also nottin to say today lah, except youtube loads too slow...
i've added to the song houki boshi as the blog's background music today den changed the song list...
i will be featuring characters from bleach and naruto at least once every week...
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Those who are tagged by me must do the quiz... if you don't... ur house will become haunted
1. Full name: Cyrus Xu Zhi Yi
2. Name backwards: Yi ZhiXu Cyrus... WTH
3. Were you named after someone?: erm cyrus the king of persia?
4. Meaning of name: no idea
5. Nickname:Erm... Oil Tank?
6. Screen name: Zhiyi
7. D.O.B: 9th feb 1993
8. Place of birth: song jiang, shanghai, china
9. Nationality: singaporean PR
10. Current location: home where else?
11. Star sign: Aquarius
12. Religon: LOL NO me not religious
13. Height: 165... think
14. Weight: ZzZz i think i forgot
15. Shoe size: dunno
16. Hair color: black wif sum white ones
17. Eye color: black
18. Who do I like: ME and ME ONLI
19. Innie or outtie: Middle?grey area?
20: Lefty or righty: right
21: Gay, straight, bi or others: wtf you can tell just by looking
22: Best friends: yong zheng,lucas,tze ying... i think it ends here
23: Best friends you trust most: erm... lucas bah i think
24: Favourite pals: lol my best friends??
25: Best friend of opposite sex: tze ying
26: Best buddies: best frens
27: Boyfriend or girlfriend: wat you mean?
28: Crush: i will crush you if i told you
29: Parents: lolz ... mom,dad,grandpa
30: Worst Enemy: Al QAEDA. lol
31: Favourite online guy: lol no one...
32: Favourite online girl: dunno...
34: Craziest friend: victor! the gay boy! lol
35: Advice friend: my other self
36: Loudest friend: erm i think if it were my friends it would be me
37: Person you cry with: i cry wif? you mean i shout wif?
38: Any sisters: ya. one sickening one too
39: Any brothers: nah
40: Any pets: air molecues
41: Any disease: Nope me healthy!
42: Pager:erm hello that is lyk last century's stuff
43: Personal phone line: nope
44: Cell phone:Nokia 3220... 91552779
45: Lava Lamp: HUH?
46: Pool or hot tub:none
47: A car: nope a plane
48: Your personality: dunno, humourous?
49: Driving: Driving ppl crazy
50: Car you want: err wat car?A tank maybe
51: Room: erm you could call it a pig sty
52: Whats missing: erm... more anime?
53: School: HYSS
54: Bed: man me sleep on the floor
55: Relationship with parents: just so so lor
56: Believe in yourself: I believe in naruto
57: Believe in love at first sight: HUH? no way man.
58: Good listener: i listen to music... is dat considered a good listener?
59: Get along well with parents: ya i get along well too
60: Save e-mail convos: No. Unless it is my account passwords
61: Pray: i like praying mantis
62: Believe in reincarnation: nah.
63: Make fun of people: yea yea i luv it
64: Like to talk on the phone: not really
65: Want to get married: lol too far fetched man
66: Like to drive: yes like to drive ppl crazy
67: Motion Sickness: nah me won't puke unless eat too much
68: Eat stem of broccoli: sure why not?
69: Eat chicken with fork: lol why not? chopstick also can...not forgetting the spoon
70: Dream in color: no me is black and white
71: Type with your fingers on home role: wat toking you?
72: Sleep with stuff animals: LOL NO!!!
73: Next to you: air
74: On the walls of your room: paint
75: On your mousepad: me no mousepad
76: Dream car: a tank
77: Dream date: 'holidate' lol
78: Dream honeymoon spot:WTH i'm not even married yet
79: Dream husband or wife: A snake maybe? lol
80: Bedtime: 10PM
81: Under your bed: floor
82: Single most important question: today wat home work?
83: Bad time of the day: sleep
84: Your worst fear: mei xuan without specs(ghost)
85: The weather is: cloudy
86: Time: 4.36PM
87: Date: 10 sept 2006
88: Best trick did on someone: putting a pin on teacher de chair and let her sit down.
89: Theme song: Tonight Tonight Tonight- bleach 4th op
90: Hardest thing about growing up: Homework
91: Funniest experience: dunno got loads of them
92: Scariest experience: saw mei xuan's photo on friendster
93: Silliest thing you have ever said: ppl scare ppl scare dead ppl
94: Most desperate and funniest thing i have done to get the opposite sex: DUNNO WAT YOU TOKING BOUT
95: Scariest thing while you are with your friends: saw meixuan took off her specs to clean them
96: Worst feeling: dunno lehz
97: Best feeling in the world: When i got first in class. DIS is not impossible for me coz i've done it twice
Holiday last day...
Friday, September 08, 2006
Holidays is well sian lor
Just now go neighbour house to help him put songs into his PSP... den he say wanna fight wif me... i say he eat too much le nottin to do... den throw him into his sofa lol...
ok gtg eat dinner le bb!