Haiz so many new things you know sianz lol, Done foot drill today.
YFC got new instructor and look so ferice lol, den he was actually quite ok lorx. den i got appointed to be organising games to play wif on foot drill days after the foot drill...half way thro the practice we hear sumone in the band room playing a saxophone den is lyk ,WTF,Newbie nia sound so atrocious......
CCA also change times liao, now at tuesday same time.
NOW......For the highlight today, new teachers!!
First the not so happy thing is that Mr low is leaving us and another teacher came in Her name is Ms hada BUT her lesson no sound one coz all fell asleep lol so dam boringXD.
Den the lith teacher is on maternal leave coz she is going to div birth to a baby,(now for the scary part)and mrs pan(aka.mrs peter pan)is releving her omg it is lyk the scariest teacher i have met since mrs leong(P5 de teacher)!!lol!!